Friday, November 25, 2011

Pinecone Crafts

Here are some crafty ideas for using pinecones in your Christmas decorating. All of these are from There are instructions for making them if you're that crafty kind of person.

Norway Spruce Pine Cone Wreath

Pinecone Penguins
Love these little penguins!

Pinecone Turkey
This is used as a place-card companion.

Pinecone Mouse
So cute and so clever!

Pinecone Cardinal
Love these!

Gilded Pinecones

Bleached Pinecones Basket
These are just a few ideas and there are more on her website, picture frames, place-cards, rosette garlands, etc. Wonderful ideas from Martha. 

Christmas Humor

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Holidays Are Near!

Yes, the holidays must be here again!

Every year when she drags out all of the Christmas STUFF, she always seems to come across these ridiculous reindeer antlers and takes pictures of me wearing them!

Oh, I hope my buddies don't see me wearing these!

Finally, I'm free of these silly antlers! Maybe if I chew a nice hole in them, I won't have to go through this again next year!! Good grief!  :-)   You're a real sport Gino, I love you!

~ Christmas at Whimsical Whites ~

Christmas at Whimsical Whites is a joy for all of us,( Kathy,Kris,Simmy & Linda)
The decorations are out and we want to share the Holiday Season with you.

Reminisce as you shop for vintage decorations that you remember at grandma's house.

We also carry the LuRay hankies collection.

This year we realize that "kitchie" is a trend.
We have good kitchie stuff!! :)
Including our bags full of vintage kitchie Christmas decor.

We have a large assortment of the Antique Garden Candles in an array of fragrances.

Our collection of handmade wool stockings are charming.

We have so many beautiful vintage Christmas ornaments to choose from.

Vintage glass garland beads to decorate your tree.

Perfect  vintage yard decor for the Season.

As always gift wrapping is complimentary at Whimsical Whites.
Please come enjoy a cup of tea and relax.
If you are good you can have a piece of cake also..
(Remember Santa is watching!!)  :)

~ We wish you all a peaceful Holiday with family and friends ~

Kathy & Kris

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Fruit, Nut, Pine Cone & Pod Wreaths

There are many ways to make wreaths. The only limit is your imagination. They can be very simple or very elaborate. Here are some wreaths from Better Homes and Gardens made from fruits, nuts, pine cones and pods. I love the combination of these materials. So creative!

Apple Medallion Wreath

Diamond Boxwood and Fruit Wreath

Nut Star Wreath

Apple Heart Wreath

Lotus Pod Wreath

Pinecone Star Wreath

Fragrant Fruit Wreath

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Christmas Decorating Photos, #3

Well, these are the last of the photos to share. I do have my tree up, but things have been hectic so far this week, and it's still not decorated. I'm going to try and get this done in the next few days. I also have a lot of cleaning to finish since I'm having my family over for Thanksgiving. It seems like things will never get done in time, but somehow it always works out! I have some shopping done, but no presents wrapped yet. This I will need to do soon and get them put under the tree before one of my cats decides to get under the tree and vomit on my tree skirt!! This way they won't be able to get under my tree! I know it's gross, but this is my life and my luck with animals. It's happened before. Also one year my dog thought his mommy actually brought in a tree from outside just so he could pee on it!! This kind of thing happens to me all the time. I could go on and on, but I won't. So, for the pictures......

There are 3 more Jim Shore pieces on this table, the front three, Santa (the small one) Rudolph & Clarice, and Sam the snowman & Rudolph.

The four little snow people are from Jim Shore.

This is a little shelf in the corner of my bathroom. Does anyone else decorate their bathroom for Christmas?

 A friend of mine bought this picture for me for Christmas one year. I love snowmen!!

My sister-in-law made this snowman face and the picture of the snowman above is hanging on the wall next to this. Their faces match somewhat!

 This is another beautiful box that I'll never part with!

Smiley faces....I LOVE THEM!!

This wall hanging was a gift from my brother and his wife.

I love this book! My sister-in-law had this and other things in a beautiful basket that she made for me one year.

This is my little Pepper peeking through the dining room window from the sunporch.

Well that's it! After my tree is done, I'll take pictures of it and post. Hope you all have a nice day!!